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Faith Formation

Becoming Catholic

Have you ever wondered...


  • Is God working in my life?

  • Do I want Him to be active in my life?

  • Do I believe the Scriptures are pertinent in today's world?

  • How can I become part of an active, growing church?


The Catholic Church may be the home you are seeking!


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey that begins with the Holy Spirit stirring in your heart and stimulating your curiosity to learn more about the Scriptures and the Catholic way of life.


RCIA sessions are held on Mondays, 6:30 – 8:00pm, in the conference room in the rectory, beginning in September. Catechumens and candidates are received into the church at Easter Vigil.


Contact the church office if you know of someone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.

Who can attend RCIA?
  • Adults who have never been baptized as Christians

  • Adults who have been baptized in other Christian traditions and are now interested in joining the Catholic faith or who simply want to learn what the Catholic Church teaches

  • Adults who were baptized Catholic but never received further Sacraments of Initiation

  • Confirmed Catholics who want to enhance their faith by learning more

What to do?
  • Ask questions about the Church

  • Talk to Catholic friends who are actively living and loving the Faith

  • Pray to know God's will for your personal life of faith

How can I find help?
  • Contact the church office

  • The RCIA team is made up of parishioners and the pastor who are completely at your service

  • Your RCIA sponsor will support you, guide you and pray for you

  • The entire church community is there for you, to welcome you and help you feel at home

  • Facebook

St. Joseph

Catholic Church and School

St. Joseph Catholic Church, 15 South Spruce Street, Paris, AR 72855  |   Tel: 479-963-2119

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-8pm,​​ Saturday: 9am-7pm, ​Sunday: 9am-8pm

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