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Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life. Through Baptism we are freed from sin, reborn as children of God, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission.

First Communion

The Eucharist nourishes our life of faith. Those who gather for Mass receive God's word and the Body and Blood of Christ.


First Communion is held during a 9:00 Sunday Mass sometime after Easter.


Confirmation seals our life in Jesus and empowers those who receive it with the gift of the Holy Spirit.


The Diocese of Little Rock requires teens to be at least 14 years of age by the date of Confirmation unless special permission is granted by the pastor.


In Reconciliation (Penance or Confession) we receive God's unconditional love and forgiveness.


Reconciliation for the Christian faithful is held before both weekend Masses, or by appointment.


Penance Services and Reconciliation are offered during Advent and Lent.

Anointing the Sick

This sacrament gives spiritual strength and healing to those who are aged or ill by uniting their sufferings to the sufferings of Christ.


Contact the church office if there is an emergency during the day, or the parish number or Father's cell phone after hours. All parishioners are asked to contact the church office immediately if they feel a loved one is close to death.


Anointing of the Sick is offered after Masses one weekend quarterly for those who wish to receive the sacrament.


The Catholic Church believes and teaches that marriage is a lifelong covenant of love between a man and a woman.


The Diocese of Little Rock requires preparation for the sacrament of marriage, which typically runs over the course of several months. Couples first meet in the parish to fill out informational paperwork and to take the FOCCUS compatibility assessment. After the FOCCUS has been scored, the couple returns to discuss the results.


To learn more about preparing for marriage, contact the church office at least six months before the intended wedding date. Marriage Preparation is provided on an as-need basis.

Holy Orders

Men who are ordained as priests vow to live their lives leading others to a closer union with Christ, administering the sacraments and proclaiming the Gospel.


St. Joseph includes prayers for vocations in the Prayers of the Faithful at weekend Masses.


If a young man feels that God is calling him to the priesthood or permanent diaconate, he should contact the church office or the pastor. He will then be given assistance to make the necessary contacts to pursue his vocation.

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St. Joseph

Catholic Church and School

St. Joseph Catholic Church, 15 South Spruce Street, Paris, AR 72855  |   Tel: 479-963-2119

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-8pm,​​ Saturday: 9am-7pm, ​Sunday: 9am-8pm

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